I am SOO PLEASED to see your lovely eyes staring at my written words right now! What for a good choice to use your screen time today! Soo thankful!!
Welcome to Howdy Bonnie! My publication; a collection of essays, poems, excerpts of my many unfinished novels, discounts & much more!
This is the world & space in which I am able to share longer, more vulnerable, more exclusive pieces of writing than on any social media app.
my essays are filled with daydream musings, lots of feelings we as human beings experience and snippets on what inspires and makes me smile & cry in life. this is also the home of my many poems. I collect over 100 poems each year and never shared them anywhere public.
how to read & sign up for this collection of love letters to life?
10€/month: all essays, poems & podcast episodes into your email inbox and mobile app
99€/year: everything above with saving 8% than subscribing monthly
with clicking the button below, Substack will show you the price in your local currency :)
all ~content~ included in the subscription:
excerpts of (unpublished) books with glimpses into certain inspirations
poems about broken hearts & confusing love crushes
essays about life, feeling way too much & growing up.
Here’s a taste of what to expect:
occasional podcast episodes on creativity & writing
Access to all paid-only posts from the past in the archives.
(Plus the knowledge that you’re directly supporting this publication’s existence and an independent writer to make her dream life come true)
✨ A list of unpublished book excerpts & poems:
⚡️ Some of my reader’s favourite essays:
💫 and here are some of my favourite essays I’ve shared on here:
Tim 🤍
(tbh, there are some I like much more, but there are still in my drafts 👀 let’s hope they see the light of the day one day)
you can follow me on Landing where I create all of my collage pieces to my writings :) tag is b0nl8ve !!see you there & here 🫀🤠